Wednesday, February 22, 2012

You Must Know: Toxic Study List

Soy-Cause Of Adverse Health Exposed:

HHS Director of National Institute of Mind Health (NIMH) Dr. Thomas Insel says, "Soy has estrogen disruptor properties." A former FDA Director Of Centers for Food Safety Dr. Michael Shelby when questioned if soy is an endocrine disruptor replies a straight forward "Yes." HHS, FDA, NIH, USDA acknowledge that endocrine disruptors are highly dangerous to health, especially developmental health.

There is a right to know about the existing vast multitude of published studies all concluding soy is an active hormone disruptor. Hormone disruptors are well-known as highly toxic to health, and especially toxic during most fragile developmental (fetal, infant, child) exposure. To ensure best health, everyone deserves an opportunity to review the following fraction of thousands of existing NIH Pubmed or Toxnet studies all revealing severe and sometimes irreversible soy phyto-toxic adverse effects.

Like environmental estrogens, pesticides, BPA plastics, and pharmaceutical DES estrogens, soy is another hormone disruptor, capable of damaging several hormone systems throughout the brain and body.

Soy's multiple naturally toxic components include; Isoflavone endocrine disruptors: genistein, daidzein, equol, glycitein, phytic acid, heavy metals, anti-nutrients, and soy's natural inhibition of several essential enzymes. You may think you don't eat soy, but only in the USA is it nearly impossible NOT to swallow soy as soy fillers are added to nearly all packaged foods. Pregnant women whose dietary intake includes soy are study proven to transfer soy-contamination to her developing fetus. Feeding your baby soy formula is also repeatedly study concluded as highly risky to your child's health. Alarmingly soy is being added as a filler to infant milk formulas.

1999 FDA Federal Register confirms, "GRAS status of soy did not include thorough evaluation of the safety of potentially harmful (soy) components, e.g. lysioalanine, nitrites and nitrosamines, trypsin inhibitors, phytates and isoflavone (hormone disruptors). Trypsin inhibitors (have) potential effects on pancreatic function.....(causing) deleterious effects in the pancreas. Trypsin inhibitors are responsible for hyperplasia and formation of nodules seen in animal studies...and high levels of trypsin inhibitors in humans can evoke this mechanism."

Janice Oliver, Deputy Director Of FDA Center for Food Safety states that "FDA acknowledges that concerns have been voiced about oossible effects of isoflavones in soy infant formulas on sexual development, neurobehavioral development, immune function, and thyroid disease."

FDA Oliver continues with, "A food is deemed to be misbranded if its labeling is false or misleading." With no Warning labels on soy formulas that reveal FDA acknowledged toxic "concerns" soy infant formulas ARE misbranded.

You will be witness to multiple published studies that in fact reveal soy estrogenic hormone disruptors in many foods, fillers, and formulas marketed in the USA are indeed "Misbranded," as soy phyto-toxic labeling remains FDA withheld from public disclosure.

Factual soy studies reveal a host of toxic effects:

1998, FDA NCTR Reports: Our results may be interpreted that soy phytoestrogen genistein is a chromosomal mutagen.

1999, FDA Scientists Against Soy: NIH NIEHS scientists Dr. Doerge and Dr. Sheehan have for decades consistently proven highly toxic soy-cause of multiple adverse body & brain effects, especially caused to most developmentally fragile fetus, infants, and children.

2001, NIEHS Report: Dietary (soy) genistein produced effects in multiple estrogen-sensitive tissues in male and female mice consistent with estrogenic activity…...within exposure ranges in humans.

1999 & 2004, Phytoestrogens are compounds found in plant foods (largely soybeans) that exhibit estrogen-like activity, and display both estrogen-like activity and anti-estrogen effects. Interindividual diversity and complexity in dietary phytoestrogen absorption and metabolism make their bioactivity unpredictable. Their actions in specific cells are determined by many factors; levels of estrogen receptor-alpha and -beta, and the diverse cocktail of co-activators and co-repressors present in any given cell type. Overall, it is naïve to assume that exposure to these compounds is always good. Inappropriate or excessive exposure to phytoestrogens may be detrimental to health.

Soy-Cause of Multiple CANCERS:

2004, Findings suggest that oxidative DNA damage by (soy) isoflavone metabolites play a role in tumor initiation and that cell proliferation by isoflavones via Estrogen Receptors (ER) to Estrogen response elements (ERE) was largely consistent with cell proliferative activity of isoflavones.

Leukemia: Soy-Cause of Infant Leukemia: 2010, Genistein is a bioflavonoid enriched in soy products. High levels of maternal soy consumption linked to the development of infant leukemia. Genistein induced infant leukemia.

Maternal Diet and infant Leukemia: A Role for DNA topoisomerase II inhibitors caused to fetus in utero: 10 fold increase risk of infant acute myeloid leukemia with increased maternal consumption of DNA topo-2 inhibitor containing foods.

(Soy is in fact an established topoisomerase II inhibitor and in fact an inhibitor of several other essential enzymes).

Dietary topoisomerase II-poisons: Contribution of soy products to infant leukemia- DNA topoisomerase are nuclear enzymes inducing transient breaks in the DNA allowing DNA strands to pass through each other. Maternal exposure to low doses of dietary topoismerase II poisons, including genistein may contribute to development of infant leukemia. This study found at:

Timing of phytoestrogen use is important. Recent studies have indicated that soy phytoestrogens could be contributive factors in some forms of breast cancer, penile birth defects, and infantile leukemia. Genistein might increase the risk of leukemia because it inhibits the enzyme topoisomerase which result in double strand DNA breaks which are mutagenic. Genistein may not be safe for women with estrogen-dependent breast cancer. Soy phytoestrogens or isoflavones have been definitely shown to depress thyroid function and to cause infertility in every animal species studies so far. Soy isoflavone can act like estrogen, stimulating development and maintenance of female characteristic or block cells from using cousins of estrogen.

2007, Study demonstrates that biologically relevant concentrations of soy genistein flavonoids can induce abnormalities in mixed-linage leukemia. Particularly alarming knowing mother’s metabolism can lead to higher flavonoid concentration on fetal side. Raise public awareness and set guidelines for marketing flavonoid supplements to reduce risk of infant leukemias.

2011, Isoflavone research revealed adverse effects on reproductive system. This is also the case with tumor-promoting effects on breast tissue. Questions about the effectiveness and safety of isoflavones have to be clarified. There are concerns about the maternal consumption of isoflavones due to the development of leukemia in infants.

Soy-Cause of Bladder Cancer: USC Study reports soy increases risk of bladder cancer

Colon Cancer, Gastric Cancer, & Intestinal Tumorigenesis:

2005, Soy increases colon epithelial cell proliferation measures in the sigmoid colon a common location of colon cancer. In the cecum and sigmoid colon the proliferation count increased as the serum (soy) genistein concentration increased. Cells that multiply indiscriminately can encourage the cause of colon cancer.

2007, Maternal consumption to soy protein isolates increased the percentage of animals bearing multiple colon tumors. IGF-1 was elevated in soy protein isolate during pregnancy and casein-fed group thereafter. Elevated levels of insulin or IGF-1 are associated with increased colorectal cancer risk in humans and rodents. In summary, dietary exposure to a soy protein-based diet during pregnancy followed by the switch to casein at delivery increased colon tumor multiplicity (a measure of tumor promotion) in the male progeny as later adults. The present results raise the possibility that colon cancer, which conventionally is considered to be a cancer of the elderly, may be influenced by dietary/metabolic perturbations or programming occurring during development.

2007, Soy isoflavone genisten can affect cell metabolism by specifically inhibiting protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) and/or interacting with the estrogen receptors (ERs). Synthesis of GAGs/PGs (glycosaminoglycans/proteoglycans by colon cancer cell line HT-29 cells in the presence of genistein was dependent on their type and localization which implies the active participation of the PTK interaction with ERs, which was further supported by the observed growth stimulation at low concentrations of genistein.

2012, Soy food which is rich in isoflavones are structurally similar to 17 B-estradiol. We found an increasing trend in risk of gastric cancer associated with higher isoflavone intake among female hormone drug users.

2008, ….genistein in the diet enhanced intestinal tumorigenesis in male mice. This study demonstrates that although genistein can enhance EGCG (antioxidant found in teas and many supplements) bioavailabilty this combination enhances intestinal tumorigenesis in male mice.

2007, Several adverse effects of soy supplementation in female rats were observed. 5 of 21 rats fed soy supplement died before the end of the experiment while all animals on the control diet survived. Density of normal crypts lining the colonic mucosa was reduced, indicating gastrointestinal damage. Uterine weights, serum estradiol and serum isoflavone levels were increased in soy-supplemented diets. These adverse effects of soy isoflavones need further examination in target population of consumption of soy supplements.

Intestinal Damage A high dose of soy genistein may potentially compromise intestinal growth. Study found at:

Soy-Cause of Pancreatic Cancer:

Pancreatic Cancer: FDA Study: hypertrophy/hyperplasia. Antinutritional components inhibit growth goitrogens, phytoestrogens, and saponins, lysinoalanine damage to kidneys allergenic response in humans.

Pancreatic Cancer: Neoplastic nodules including carcinomas. Any possible adverse effects may result from phytic acid and saponins in soybeans.

Pancreatic Cancer: USDA Study Confirms Soy-Cause of proliferative pancreatic lesions

1986, Animal studies have indicated a link between pancreatic cancer and high fat and/or high protein diets as well as raw soybean consumption. Nitrosamines may also be related to pancreatic cancer. (Soy contains nitrosamines).

Toxic Factors In Edible Legumes: Best known of the anti-nutritional factors causing nutritional stress due to toxic components found in soybeans is trypsin inhibitors that inhibit growth. Recent evidence implicates pancreatic hypertrophy as one of the main physiologic responses to trypsin inhibitors. Many legumes such as soy contain hemagglutinins also inhibit growth. Other toxic components in soybeans include goiterogenic factors, cyanogenetic glucosides, saponins and alkaloids.

Maternal Consumption of Soy Is Related to Breast Cancer in Offspring:
soy genistein exposure mimics the effects of estrogen on mammary gland development in female mouse offspring.

Maternal exposure to genistein can increase mammary tumorigenesis in offspring, mimicking the effects of in utero estrogenic exposure…increasing susceptibility.

Maternal exposure increases carcinogenic induced mammary tumors in female rat offspring

Perinatal exposure on induced mammary carcinoma.5mg genistein in utero did increase number of mammary cancer lesions…perinatal genistein is an endocrine disruptor and increases multiplicity of induced mammary carcinoma in rats

Soy-Cause Of Breast Cancer in Women and/or Men

2009, Environmental estrogens affect breast development in male rats: NIEHS study; Clearest evidence to date: Abnormalities which could have the potential to become cancerous developed in the mammary gland tissue of male rats that were exposed to either the soy-based phytoestrogens genistein or ethinyl estradiol- an estrogen used in birth control pills. Findings support a growing concern that exposure to low levels of estrogen….might increase the risk of breast cancer. Genistein and ethinyl estradiol exposure in multigenerational and chronic studies induce similar proliferative lesions in mammary gland.

Similar across all generations exposed to genistein…..predominant tubuloalveolar growth in females and lobuloalveolar in males. Hyperplasia in male rats was similar induced by genistein or ethinyl estradiol…substantiate previous reports that mammary gland hyperplasia in the male rat is most sensitive markers for estrogenic endocrine disruption.

Journal National Cancer Institute: Chemical structure of isoflavones is similar to that of estrogens, and isoflavones bind to both estrogen receptors ERa and ERb and exert estrogen-like effects. The main soybean isoflavone genistin may stimulate the growth of estrogen sensitive tumors. Research recommendation is that the impact of isoflavones on breast tissue needs to be evaluated at the cellular level in women at high risk for breast cancer.

2008, Low concentrations of the soy phytoestrogen genistein induce Proteinase Inhibitor 9 and block killing of breast cancer cells by immune cells. A significant population consumes levels of genistein in soy products that may be high enough to induce PI-9, perhaps potentiating the survival of some preexisting breast cancer by enabling them to evade immunosurveillance.

2004, DNA damage by isoflavone metabolites plays a role in tumor initiation and that cell proliferation by isoflavones via estrogen receptors induces tumor promotion and or progression, resulting in cancer of estrogen-sensitive organs.

Soy-Causes Proliferation of Breast Cancer Cells:

Nurses should become more knowledgeable about soy foods for women at high risk, or with history of breast cancer should avoid high intake of soy supplements.

2004, An E-screen assay revealed that genistein and daidzein enhanced proliferation of estrogen-sensitive breast cancer MCF-7 cells.

2004, Genistein, at 1microM, stimulated the growth of MCF-7 cells and insulin-like growth Factor-I receptor pathway is involved in the proliferative effect of low-dose genistein in MCF-7 breast cancer cells.

Estrogenic properties of soy isoflavones, genistein can stimulate growth of breast cancer.

2010, Genistein is a major isoflavone with known hormonal and tyrosine kinase-modulating activities. Genistein has been shown to promote the growth of estrogen receptor positive breast cancer cells. Breast cancer cells are particularly susceptible to the growth-promoting effects of genistein across a wide range of doses.

Soy Blocks Anti-Estrogen Breast Cancer Drugs:

2001, Soy phytoestrogens, genistein and daidzein may stimulate existing breast tumor growth and antagonize the effects of tamoxifen. Women with current or past breast cancer should be aware of the risk of potential tumor growth when taking soy products.

Soy interrupts the actions of pharmaceutical drugs in treatment for breast cancer.

2008, Dietary genistein can negate the inhibitory effects of tamoxifen on estrogen-stimulated growth of MCF- 7 breast cancer cells.

Soy-Cause of Uterine Cancer- Seen in mice injected with Genistein as Soy Estrogen As Newborns

Uterine Cancer: NIEHS: At 18 months, uterine adenocarcinoma was 35% for genistein and 31% for DES…suggest genistein is carcinogenic if exposure occurs during critical periods of differentiation. Soy based infant formulas…should be closely examined in children.

Soy causes cancer and progression in estrogen sensitive organs….uterus and vulva

Adverse effects on Uterusetc. Abnormal pathology in 3 womenall 3 improved after withdrawal of soy. Additional information on phytoestrogen is necessary to ascertain safety.

Soy-Cause of Thymus Masses:
Soy exposure during pregnancy and lactation causes long-lasting adverse effects into adulthood.

Soy Increases Risk of Diabetes:
2007, Serum insulin and leptin concentrations were decreased by soy protein isolates. (Low levels of insulin may cause of diabetes type 1. Leptin is a hormone involved in regulating appetite, body weight, fat and glucose activity. The absence of leptin leads to uncontrolled food intake and resulting obesity).

2005, Findings demonstrate that genistein directly acts on pancreatic B-cells, leading to activation of the cAMP/PKA signaling cascade to exert an insulinotropic effect, providing a novel role of soy isoflavones in the regulation of insulin secretion.2004, Logistic regression analyses showed soy milk formula consumption at 4-6 and 7-12 months of age was associated with a twofold higher risk of type 1 Diabetes.

2011, Indeed, higher soy food intake was associated with a weakly elevated diabetes risk across ethnic groups among Caucasian, Japanese American, and Native Hawaiian men and women.

2006 Soy Genistein acutely stimulates insulin secretion in pancreatic beta-cells through cAMP-dependent protein kinase pathway. Evidence that genistein increases rapid glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in both insulin-secreting cell lines and mouse pancreatic islets. Genistein elicited a significant effect at concentration as low as 10 nmol/l. Insulinotropinic effects of genistein is primarily mediated through protein kinase A.

2008, Soy isoflavones may influence insulin action by means of their well-known receptor-mediated estrogenic activity. Isoflavones also bind to peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors that are strongly associated with insulin action.

2007, Results support the hypothesis that diabetes may have a role in the development of breast cancer, influencing risk via both sex hormone and insulin pathways. Our results also show that the diabetes-breast cancer association we observed only in low/intermediate soy consumers.

2004, Soyfood consumption and development of glycosuria, (glucose in the urine) an important indicator of diabetes.

Soy-Cause of Severe and Irreversible Adverse Brain Effects:

2008, Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) exert hormone-like activity and exposure to these compounds may induce both short- and long-term deleterious effects. The EDCs examined included estradiol, androgen active compounds, soy phytoestrogens, and atrazine. Effects on behavior and hypothalamic neuroendocrine systems were examined. All EDCs impaired reproduction. Several hypothalamic neural systems proved to be EDC responsive, including arginine vasotocin, catecholamines, and gonadotropin releasing hormone system. Exposure to EDCs during embryonic development has consequences beyond impaired function of the reproductive axis. Behavioral alterations reveal both direct and indirect effects of exposure to EDC.

Soy isoflavones provide a useful model to investigate the actions of endocrine disruptors. Isoflavonoids act in vivo through both ERalpha and ERbeta. Small physiologically relevant exposure levels can alter estrogen dependent gene expression in the brain and affect complex behavior in wide range of species.

FDA Study: “FDA Scientists Against Soy” NIH scientists Drs. Doerge and Sheehan report, “Thus during pregnancy in humans, (soy) isoflavones per se could be a risk factor for abnormal brain and reproductive tract development. Our conclusions are that no dose is without risk; the extent of risk is simply a function of dose. ….the public will be put at potential risk from soy isoflavones in soy protein, isolate without adequate warnings and information.”

2001 Studies show that soybean-based formulas contain large quantities of phytoestrogens, particularly isoflavones. Because of experimental data suggesting possible deleterious effects of phytoestrogens on neuroendocrine maturation, the reduction of soy content in formulas must be considered.

Soy phytoestrogens influence estradiol estrogenic induced mechanism results in modified brain functions:

2004, Major source of endocrine disrupting substances soy derived isoflavones are most abundant and most studied are known endocrine disruptors. Isoflavones exert estrogenic and antiestrogenic properties. Soy daidzein can be metabolized to the potent equol. Equol has important ability to bind testosterone and in turn inhibits the action of androgen. Specific influence of dietary soy phytoestrogens on consumptive, learning and memory and anxiety-related behaviors is identified.

Soya isoflavone content of rat diet can increase anxiety and stress hormone release in the male rat. Major changes in behavioral anxiety and stress hormones

2005, Soy isoflavonoids provide a useful model to investigate the actions of endocrine disruptors. Isoflavonoids act in vivo through both ERalpha and ERbeta. Their neurobehavioural actions are largely anti-estrogenic. Small physiologically relevant exposure levels of soy isoflavonoids can alter estrogen-dependent gene expression in the brain and affect complex behavior in a wide range of species.

Evidence for soy genistein cytotoxicity in rat brain-

Small doses of soy genistein or daidzein can alter estrogen-dependent gene expression in brain and complex behavior.

2004, Results indicate that long-term consumption of a diet rich in soy isoflavones can have marked influences on patterns of increased aggressive behavior and decreased social behavior.

2010- Endocrine disruptors, chemicals that disturb the actions of endogenous hormone, have been implicated in birth defects associated with hormone-dependent development. Phytoestrogens are a class of endocrine disruptors found in plants. ….soy phytoestrogens. Effects of genistein on reproductive development and spatial learning required exposure throughout the pre-and postnatal periods.

Placental transfer of soy genistein to levels similar to those in maternal brain, crosses rat placenta and can reach fetal brain from maternal relevant to those observed in humans

Soy Damages Multiple Brain Neuro-Transmitter Systems:

2008, Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) exert hormone-like activity and exposure to these compounds may induce both short- and long-term deleterious effects. The EDCs examined included estradiol, androgen active compounds, soy phytoestrogens, and atrazine. Effects on behavior and hypothalamic neuroendocrine systems were examined. All EDCs impaired reproduction. Several hypothalamic neural systems proved to be EDC responsive, including arginine vasotocin, catecholamines, and gonadotropin releasing hormone system. Exposure to EDCs during embryonic development has consequences beyond impaired function of the reproductive axis. Behavioral alterations reveal both direct and indirect effects of exposure to EDC.

Increase vasopression
; was significantly elevated in the 1250ppm genistein group consistent with known actions of estradiol and previous study the estrogenic endocrine disruptors such as genistein increase sodium preference

Vasopressin: Soy Isoflavones form one of the main classes of phytoestrogens and exert estrogenic and anti-estrogenic effects on the central nervous system. Effects are not limited to reproductive behavior, but include effects on learning and anxiety and actions on the hypothalmic-pituitary axis. The group fed soy isoflavones 150 microg/g diet spent significantly less time in active social interaction, displayed anxiogenic effects, and had significantly elevated stress-induced corticosterone concentrations. Stress-induced plasma vasopressin concentrations were also significantly elevated. Major changes in behavioral measures of anxiety and in stress hormones can result from the soy isoflavone. These changes are as striking as those seen following drug administration.


2011, Phyotestrogens have widespread effects in the adult human brain which have been previously reviewed in detail elsewhere. Genistein stimulates ER (estrogen receptor) -beta mRNA expression in the PVN, (paraventricular nucleus), an effect opposite to that of 17b estradiol. PVN is primary site of oxytocin production. ER-alpha is required for the up-regulation of oxytocin. Consumption of prepared phytoestrogen supplement attenuated estrogen-dependent upregulation of oxytocin in the rat ventromedial nucleus.

Soy Inhibits GABA, A Chief Inhibitory Brain Neurotransmitter: 2007, Neurotoxic Effects of soy genistein and daidzein could be due to their inhibition of the GABA (A) receptor resulting in further enhancement of excitation by glutamate and leading to cellular damage. (GABA, Gamma-aminobutyric Acid. Inhibition of GABA can cause: anxiety disorders, panic attacks, seizure disorders, headaches, Parkinsen’s Cognitive impairment, depression, bipolar, infertility, lowers insulin levels). and daidzein induce neurotoxicity at high concentrations in primary rat neuronal cultures

2007, Soy isoflavones possess estrogen-like activity. Specifically genistein and daidzein are toxic to primary neuronal culture at high concentrations, indicating a significant cellular damage. Both genistein and daidzein increases intracellular calcium level (CA2)i, significantly. The toxic effect of soy genistein and daidzein could be due to their inhibition of the GABA(A) receptor resulting in further enhancement of excitation by glutamate and leading to cellular damage.

2007, It is surprising that contrary to estrogen, isoflavones, specifically soy isoflavones genistein and daidzein are toxic to primary neuronal culture at high concentrations. Toxic effect of genistein and daidzein could be due to their inhibition of the GAMA(A) receptor resulting in further enhancement of excitation by glutamate and leading to cellular damage.

DOPAMINE: 2002, Small doses of soy genistein or daidzein can alter estrogen-dependent gene expression in brain and complex behavior
Soy genistein significantly potentiated dopamine release in males. Genistein exposure may act similarly to estradiol (potent estrogen) in augmenting dopamine release.

ZINC DEFICIENCY: Levels of estradiol of rats receiving phytoestrogens were significantly higher than control group. In abnormal levels estradiol is a dangerously potent endogenous estrogen. Soy treated group showed statistically significant decreased concentrations of zinc in blood serum. Study evidence links low zinc levels to brain disorders including autism.

Soy Inhibits Essential Enzyme Tyrosine Kinases Related To Brain Dysfunction: 1991, Long-term potentiation (related to learning and long-term memory) in the hippocampus is blocked by tyrosine kinase inhibitors such as genistein. Tyrosine kinases participate in a kinase network with serine and threonine kinases.

SEROTONIN: Brain cell changes are involved in the interplay between estrogen and serotonin’s effects on mood and cognition. Serotonin functions are implicated in depression, anxiety disorders, and some aspects of schizophrenia.

2003, Soy and social stress affect serotonin neurotransmission in primates. Prescribed estrogens and soy phytoestrogen increased serotonin reuptake transporter that was accompanied by increased serotonin synthesis and neuronal firing.

Soy Increases Levels of BDNF- A family of proteins that induce the development, survival, and function of neurons. High levels contribute to seizures, epilepsy, and hyperalgesia or increase sensitivity to pain.

1999, Both estradiol and soy phytoestrogens significantly increased the mRNA levels of BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) compared to controls in the frontal cortex of female rats.

Soy-induced neuro-degeneration. A positive correlation between tofu consumption and brain atrophy in men. Has been shown that the soy phytoestrogen genistein inhibits neuroprotetcive functions in cell cultures, recent in-vivo findings strengthen the case for possible soy –induced neurodegeneration. Genistein has been shown to suppress both DNA synthesis and the effects of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex. Seems reasonable that some individuals may chose to avoid soy until proven safe …avoidance of soy also seems reasonable and should not be discouraged as alarmist.

Calbinin D28k: Endocrine disurptors many also alter brain development by mimicry or modulation of endogenous hormone systems. Genistein treated male rats increased volume of the calbindin D28k-labeled sexually dimorphic hypothalamus.

TOFU: 2003- Soy-induced neurodegeneration. A positive correlation between tofu consumption and brain atrophy in men. Has been shown that the soy phytoestrogen genistein inhibits neuroprotetive functions in cell cultures, recent in-vivo findings strengthen the case for possible soy –induced neurodegeneration. Genistein has been shown to suppress both DNA synthesis and the effects of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex. Seems reasonable that some individuals may chose to avoid soy until proven safe …avoidance of soy also seems reasonable and should not be discouraged as alarmist.

2008 High tofu intake is associated with worse memory in elderly Indonesian men and women. Honolulu study also reported increased risk for cognitive impairment and other dementia markers with high tofu (soybean curd) intake.

It is a fact that several hundred published studies confirm that soy estrogenic endocrine disruptors, soy enzyme inhibitors, as well as soy's phytic acid and heavy metals, block several essential minerals proven as highly toxic to the developing brain, or adult brain. Soy hormone disruptors and anti-nutrients are repeatedly proven to disrupt, rearrange, and damage several neurotransmitter systems throughout the brain. (

According to 2006 Combating Autism Act, it is against the law that the HHS National Institute Of Mind Health (NIMH) and the FDA acknowledge, yet continue to conceal mass evidence that especially proves fetal, infant, and child exposure to soy's neuro-toxic components are in fact capable of causing irreversible brain disorders reported in the cause of; autism, behavioral disorders, gender chaos, homosexuality, seizures, male and female reproductive disorders, cancers, and more. The question remains: Is there a disease or disorder that soy's toxic components are proven NOT to cause?

Soy Hormone Disruptors Masculinize the Female Brain, and Feminize The Male Brain:

Soy De- masculinized male, de-feminized females(Soy) Genistein during critical period could disrupt brain differentiation.

Neonatal (soy) genistein or BPA alters sexual differentiation de-masculinizing males and de-feminizing females… Phytoestrogenic genistein is a endocrine active compounds (EAC). Acute exposure to EAC alter AVPV Development

Soy De-feminizes female brain

1996. Reversal of sex roles in genetic female mice by disruption of estrogen receptor gene. Deficiency of normal estrogen receptor gene function led to behavioral change in female mice, aggression was increased. Disruption of ER gene led to a pattern of hormonal and neural changes which caused female to lose their normal female-typical behavior and to behave more like males.

De-feminize female mice: 2010, Females exposed to (soy)daidzein showed significantly less ERalpha expression in bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and medial amygdale. Findings show that maternal exposure to daidzein has a masculinization effect on memory and social behavior, suggesting a potential role of ER alpha distribution in the brains…

2005, De-masculinize male mice: John Hopkins School of Medicine: Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals adversely affects reproductive development and behavior in males. Aggressive behaviors were decreased whereas defensive behaviors were increased in males that received the low-dose (soy) genistein diet. Exposure to genistein during critical periods of sex differentiation results in concurrent and persistent de-masculinization in male mice. Given the popularity of soy infant formulas the influence isoflavone exposure on reproductive and behavioral health in boys and men should be considered.

2003 study, Johns Hopkins, AB Wisniewski et al, Perinatal (soy) genistein exposure results in transient and lasting alterations in masculinization of the reproductive system. Exposure to genistein during gestation and lactation de-masculinizes the reproductive system in rats.

2011 study; A Lehraiki et al. It is well known that genistein, an isoflavone found in soybeans and soy products, mimics the actions of estrogens …. Genistein inhibits testosterone secretion by fetal Leydig cells during early fetal development within the “masculinization programming window." These results suggest that fetal exposure to phytoestrogens can affect the development and function of the male reproductive system.

The results confirm that low doses of genistein have non-androgenizing, pituitary-sensitizing effects while higher doses of genistein mimc the more typical effects of estrogens….defining the reproductive consequences of environmental estrogen exposure during critical periods of central nervous system development.

Soy isoflavones can act like estrogen, stimulating development and maintenance of female characteristics, or block cells from using cousins of estrogen.

2007, Genistein is a phytoestrogen, abundant in soybeans that can bind estrogen receptors and sex hormone binding proteins, exerting both estrogenic and antiestrogenic activity. Results demonstrate that genistein acts similarly to estradiol, has an organizational effect on vasotocin system and copulatory behavior. In this avian (quail) model embryonic exposure to phytoestrogens may have life-long effects on sexual differentiation of brain structures and behaviors.

Maternal Diet Transfers Soy Estrogenic Endocrine Disruptors to Fetus:

2011, Isoflavone research revealed adverse effects on reproductive system. This is also the case with tumor-promoting effects on breast tissue. Questions about the effectiveness and safety of isoflavones have to be clarified. There are concerns about the maternal consumption of isoflavones due to the development of leukemia in infants.

Placental transfer of genistein to levels similar to those in maternal brain. Crosses rat placenta and can reach fetal brain from maternal relevant to those observed in humans

2002, Early exposure to genistein exerts long-lasting effects on the endocrine and immune systems. Data illustrate that exposure to soy genistein during pregnancy and lactation exerts long-lasting effects on the endocrine and immune systems in adulthood.

2007, Concern has been raised of potential adverse effects due to the estrogenic and other activities of isoflavones. To assess the teratogenic and fetal toxic potential of genistein several rat studies were conducted. Treatment related anomalies were observed at concentrations of > or =10microg and 100 microg/mL, all embryos were malformed. Adverse effects in the pups were observed. On basis of definitive Prenatal development study the NOAEL for maternal toxicity and adverse effects on embryonic development was considered to be 100mg/kg/day when administered orally by dietary admix.

Fetal placental transfer of genistein to levels similar to those in maternal brain. Evidence that soy genistein crosses from rat placenta to fetal brain....…relevant to observed in humans

2008, Developmental effects of exposure to endocrine disruptors can influence adult characteristics in mammals, but could also have evolutionary consequences. The effects of a continuous pre- and post-natal exposure to high levels of dietary soy isoflavones was evaluated on sexual maturity, morphometric parameters and DNA methylation status in mice. This study demonstrates in mammals that individuals from a population subjected to a high consumption of soy isoflavones (plant-estrogens) can show alterations in characters that may be of importance from an evolutionary perspective, such as epigenetic and morphometric characters or sexual maturation.

(Soy) Daidzein and genistein are found in higher concentrations than BPA in fetal amniotic fluid

Fetal soy exposure; evidence of soy phytoestrogens found in amniotic fluid. www.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/pubmed/11888703

2005, Phytoestrogens transfer between mother and fetus…..placental transferthe effects of fetal exposure to phytoestrogens should be studied further.

(Soy) Genistein exposure predicts future adverse reproductive effects

2009, Genistein has cytotoxic effects on embryo development. Fetal and infant damage.

Since dietary phytoestrogens account for a significant proportion of human exposure to potential endocrine modulators, and since the placenta does not represent a barrier to daidzein or related estrogenic isoflavones, the consequences of these exposures early in life should be examined and monitored carefully.

2011, NIH web site: Effects of genistein in maternal diet on reproductive development and spatial learning in male rats.. exposure to pregnant females is toxic to multiple organs and reproductive behavior in male offspring…. Also alters learning and memory. Sex based differences in behavior….. sensitive to endocrine disruption…

Maternal vegetarian diet associated with phytoestrogens have a deleterious effect on the developing male reproductive system.

Endocrine disruptors and soy genistein damage to male urethral development

2001, Neonatal exposure to genistein reduces expression of estrogen receptor alpha and androge4n receptor in testes of adult mice and affects male reproductive organs at molecular levels in adulthood.

2011, Fetal exposure to phytoestrogens can affect the development and function of the male reproductive system

Soy adverse effects on female development on reproduction following neonatal soy exposure NIEHS report. Altered ovarian function early reproductive senescence, and infertility at relevant doses, pregnancy was not maintained.

NIEHS: Soy genistein during development alters ovarian differentiation inhibiting oocyte next breakdown.

NIEHS: Neonatal exposure to genistein demonstrate alterations in ovary….warrant further soy-based food investigations.

Neonatal exposure to soy genistein disrupts ability of female mouse to support embryo implantation = reproductive failure.

NIEHS Report: Oral exposure to genistin…a form of soy genistein during neonatal life adversely affects the female reproductive system. Developmental exposure to estrogens is associate with adverse consequences later in lifei.e. ovarian, vaginal opening, abnormal estrous, decreased fertility delayed parturition.

2004, In utero (fetal) exposure to genistein: There is pronounced ductal hyperplasia, lactational changes, and fibrosis were observed in mammary glands from genistein group. Postnatal exposure to pharmacological levels of genistein induces profound morphological changes in the mammary glands of adult female rats. There is also potential of genistein to modulate toxicological effects of other toxicant mixtures. Effects of in utero exposure to environmental toxicants and potential interaction with postnatal genistein there is enlargement of the thoracic mammary glands observed in female rat offspring at 200 days of age.

2006, Dietary component, such as fat or phytochemicals in plant foods, can have an opposite effect on breast cancer risk if exposed in utero through a pregnant mother or at puberty. Dietary exposure during pregnancy often has similar effects on breast cancer risk among mothers and their female offspring. There is extensive programming of the mammary gland during fetal life and subsequent reprogramming at puberty and pregnancy. Thus, dietary exposure during pregnancy and puberty may play an important role in determining later risk by inducing epigenetic changed that modify vulnerability to breast cancer.

2011, Isoflavones are non-nutritive components of soy responsible for estrogenic responses. There is evidence of potential adverse effects e.g., stimulation of estrogen-dependent mammary tumors and aberrant peri-natal development. Studies of the major soy isoflavone genistein were conducted in pregnant and lactating rats to quantify placental and lactational transfer to plasma and brain to better understand biological effects observed in multi-generational studies. The information derived from these studies also makes it possible to predict internal exposures of children to genistein from soy infant formula.

Breast Feeding Transfers Soy Toxins to Infants:

Lactational exposure to soy could result in estrogen-like actions on female reproductive system

2008, Genistein passed from the lactating mother to the suckling offspring at levels sufficient to activate gene expression in the reproductive and nonreproductive tissues of mouse pups. In the liver, Estrogen Receptor-alpha and ER-beta messengers RNA and two target genes, CYP17 and the progesterone receptor were modulated by soy genistein. ER-alpha protein level followed an opposite regulation by genistein and estradiol.

2002, Early exposure to genistein exerts long-lasting effects on the endocrine and immune systems. Data illustrate that exposure to soy genistein during pregnancy and lactation exerts long-lasting effects on the endocrine and immune systems in adulthood.

Soy-Damage Caused To Male Reproductive Organs:

2000, National Center for Toxicological Research Developmental neurotoxicity of endocrine disruptors: focus on estrogens. Need for assessing the neurotoxicity of these compounds following developmental exposure. Attention comes from literature on the effects of developmental exposure to exogenous estrogn on later behavioral and neuropathiological alterations. Ongoing studies at NCTR on four such estrogen mimics; Soy genistein, methoxychlor, nonylphenol and ethinyl estradiol. Volume of the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the medial preoptic area was reduced by genistein….”

2011, A number of reports demonstrate adverse effects of soy isoflavones due to their estrogen-like properties has increased. Loss of libido and erectile dysfunction is associated with soy product consumption. This case emphasized the impact of soy isoflavones in the regulation of sex hormone and associated physical alterations.

2008, The isoflavone genistein is the most estrogenically active molecule present in soy. Results show that genistein through an estrogen receptor (ER)-mediated action, affects reproductive and nonreproductive organs, modulates gene expression in the whole body of male mice in a dose-and time-dependent manner, at all developmental ages.

Exposure to soy phytoestrogens in perinatal period affects androgen secretion by testicular leydig cells in adult rat. Phytoestrogens have ability to regulate Leydig cells.

Soy Alters Testicular activity at levels obtainable by humans. www.ncbi.nlm.nih gov/pubmed/15698548

Soy is reproductive endocrine disruptor: decreased male fertility.

Soy is associated with lower sperm count

Soy genistein inhibits 3beta-HSD activity convert cholesterol into testosterone. www.ncbi.nlm,

2004, Soy Isoflavones are known endocrine disruptors. Isoflavones genistein and daidzein have similar molecular weights and structural characteristics to that of 17-beta estradiol, exerting estrogenic and antiestrogenic properties. Soy phytoestrogens are known endocrine disruptors. Daidzein can be further metabolized to the potent and abundant molecule equol that has the unique ability to specifically bind 5 alpha-dihydro-testosterone, and to act in turn to inhibit the action of this potent androgen.

In vitro studies have proven genistein to induce apoptosis of testicular cells at certain levels, thus raising concerns about effects it could have on male fertility.

Dietary estrogens, soy, and male fertility results in “estrogenic insult”

2010, Soy and soy-based products are widely consumed by infants and adult individuals. These studies show that long-term exposure to dietary soy and phytoestrogens may affect male reproductive function resulting in a decrease in sperm count and fertility.

Soy cause of gynecomastia (breast growth) in males associated with soy product consumption.

Soy-cause of Erectile Dysfunction in adulthood.

Soy-Causes Damage to Female Reproductive System:

2009, Adverse soy-transfer through generations: Genistein at 500ppm and ethinyl estradiol at 50ppb produced similar effects in continuously exposed rats, including decreased body weights, accelerated vaginal opening, and altered estrous cycles in young animals. …a reduction in litter size was evidence in genistein-treated animals. These compound-specific effects appeared to be enhanced in the offspring of prior exposed generations.

NIEHS Report; Deleterious effects on female reproductive system in adulthood.

Disruption of female reproductive system by soy phytoestrogen genistein in adulthood.

Infant girls fed soy show reestrogenization at 6 months..Examination of infants consuming soy for plausible effects of estrogens is valid and repeatable /18335112

Reproductive failure; soy genistein causes failure to support egg

2009 Basal and gonadotropin-stimulated P(4) secretion were inhibited in granulose cells cultured in presence of daidzein (soy) phytoestorogen. Expression of ER-alpha and ER-beta mRNA, as well as ER-beta protein, was up-regulated by daidzein. Daidzein actions suggest disadvantageous effects of the phytoestrogen on reproductive processes in females. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.pubmed/19617652

2011, Developmental exposure to estrogenic compounds can disrupt sexual differentiation in adult reproductive function in many animals including humans. Phytoestrogens in the diet comprise a significant source of estrogenic exposure to humans, particularly infants who are fed soy-based infant formula. Studies clearly demonstrate that environmentally relevant doses of genistein have significant negative impacts on ovarian differentiation, estrous cyclicity, and fertility in the rodent model. Additional studies of reproductive function in human populations exposed to phytoestrogens during development are warranted.


Soy causes agonistic and antagonistic properties on ER alpha and ER Beta in human cells….functioning as Endocrine Disruptors

2010 Soy as an endocrine disruptor cause for caution? Possible adverse effects should not be taken lightly. Endocrine Disruptor Chemicals alter function of endocrine system cause adverse health effects soy are considered EDC, malignancies and several defects in reproductive system www.ncbi.nlm.nih/gov/pubmed/21175082

Man-made chemicals potential risk to human health include phytoestrogens comparing to plastics, pesticides etc.

NCTR: Genistein soy isoflavone in diet to male and female rats. Endocrine responsive tissues including brain, liver, mammary, ovary, prostate, testis, thyroid and uterus showed significant dose-depended increases in total genistein concentration. Female liver contained the highest amount and male whole brain contains the least blood concentrations and physiologic effects of genistein.

Genotoxicity (deleterious action on cells) caused by soy:

2004, Phytoestrogens are a matter of public concern, results point to genotoxicity of phytoestrogens.

Genistein genotoxicity: A variety of genotoxic effects of phytoestrogens have been reported. Genistein effects occur at relevant low dietary concentrations…the dose defines the poison.

Genotoxicity, DNA Damage: 2004. Recent studies indicated that genistein and/or daidzein induced cancer of reproductive organs in rodents…we examined the ability of genistein daidzein and their metabolites to cause DNA damage and cell proliferation. DNA damage by isoflavone metabolites plays a role in tumor initiation by isoflavones via estrogen receptors to estrogen response elements.

Genotoxic activity of soy daidzein, exhibit genotoxic potential in vitro

No dose is without risk….dose defines the poison: genotoxic effects of genistein

2004, Among the issues raising concerns about human exposure to soy phytoestrogens is how such exposure may affect responsiveness and sensitivity of the exposed subjects to additional xenobiotics, particularly drugs and environmental chemicals with estrogenic or other endocrine disruptor activities.

Soy-Damage to Thymus, Thyroid, and Immune System:
Acute and Chronic effects of soy genistein in
neonatal mice…NIEHS study. Immediate and long-term effects raise concerns that genistein are estrogenic and impact development of human infants fed soy formula. Increase uterine weight down-regulation of progesterone receptor in uterus, neonatal ovary and thymus, decreasing thymic weight… soy genistein has estrogenic impact on human infants fed soy formula.

Soy phytoestrogens or isoflavones have been definitely shown to depress thyroid function and to cause infertility in every animal species studies so far. Soy isoflavone can act like estrogens.

NIEHS Drs. Doerge and Sheehan: Safety testing of soy products is not required. Soy may cause harm in the human population via estrogenic and goitrogenic activities is of concern.

2006, Modulation of immune response following dietary genistein exposure in 2 generations: evidence of thymic regulation. Results demonstrate that genistein can modulate the immune system in both adult and developing mice in a dose-specific manner. Genistein may modulate the immune system by functioning as either an estrogen agonist or antagonist.

2010, Soybean phytoestrogens, isoflavones genistein and daidzein were reported to affect adversely thyroid function in the presence of other goitrogenic factors. Both genistein and daidzein can induce microfollicular changes in the thyroid tissue and reduce the level of thyroid hormones in middle-aged male rats. TSH cells increased cellular volume while Volume of T(4) and T(3) levels decreased….. (a cause of hypothyroidism and a number of cascading adverse effects).

Soy Infant Formula
- Repeatedly Proven As Developmentally Toxic:

2009, Bulletin of Academy of National Medicine. Infant Nutrition Nutritional quality during the first weeks of life can influence health during both infancy and adulthood. Exclusive long-term breast feeding is strongly recommended. Soy-based formulas are not recommended for healthy infants.

Soy phyto-estrogens and male reproductive function. Cautionsoy formula should be avoided

2001 Studies show that soybean-based formulas contain large quantities of phytoestrogens, particularly isoflavones. Because of experimental data suggesting possible deleterious effects of phytoestrogens on neuroendocrine maturation, the reduction of soy content in formulas must be considered.

2010 Soy isoflavones, genistein and daidzein are widely consumed with evidence for potential adverse effects. Study results show that soy protein isolate (soy formula) is an efficient isoflavone delivery vehicle capable of providing significant proportions of the total dose into the circulation in the active aglycone form for distribution to hormone receptor-bearing tissues and subsequent pharmacological effects that determine possible health risks.

2010 Uterine fibroids are the most common pelvic tumors in U.S. women as well as the most common cause for hysterectomy. The results showed an association between early fibroid diagnosis and having been fed soy formula during infancy.

2011, Compared with girls fed non-soy-based infant formula or milk formula, early soy-fed girls were at 25% higher risk of menarche. Results also suggest that girls fed soy products in early infancy may have an increase risk of menarche specifically in early adolescence and may be the manifestation of mild endocrine disrupting effects o f soy isoflavone exposure. This soy formula association with menarche warrants more in-depth evaluation.

Soy infant formula and phytoestrogens: Take a “Precautionary approach to these pharmacologically active compounds

2010- Acute and Chronic Effects of soy…raise concerns that high genistein are estrogenic and impact development of human infants fed soy formula.

2001, NIEHS report: Dietary (soy) genistein produced effects in multiple estrogen-sensitive tissues in males and females consistent with estrogenic activity within exposure ranges in humans.

Early soy exposure causes long lasting adverse effects later in life:

Autoimmune thyroid disease: Infant feeding of soy formula may affect autoimmune diseases later in life. This retrospective analysis documents the association of soy formula feeding in infancy and autoimmune thyroid disease. Dr. Fort Study.

Estrogen regulates thymic development and immune function. Genistein administration to mice that produced serum genistein concentrations similar to those reported in human infants consuming soy formula and had demonstrable effects. Genistein had similar effects on many estradiol target genes, affecting genes involved in transcription, apoptosis, cell cycle and thymic development and function.

Thymic and Immune Deficiency; Soy-fed human infants capable of significant thymic and immune changes abnormalities.”

2011, Developmental exposure to estrogenic compounds can disrupt sexual differentiation in adult reproductive function in many animals including humans. Phytoestrogens in the diet comprise a significant source of estrogenic exposure to humans, particularly infants who are fed soy-based infant formula. Studies clearly demonstrate that environmentally relevant doses of genistein have significant negative impacts on ovarian differentiation, estrous cyclicity, and fertility in the rodent model. Additional studies of reproductive function in human populations exposed to phytoestrogens during development are warranted.

2004, Logistic regression analyses showed soy formula consumption at 4-6 and 7-12 months of age was associated with a twofold higher risk of type 1 Diabetes.

New Zealand speaks out against soy formula as a hazard to developmental health. U.S. FDA, "Given the DES tragedy, it would be foolish to ignore the possibility that some phytoestrogens constitute a developmental hazard."

Increase in Triglycerides:
Injections of higher doses of soybean isoflavones, genistein and daidzein in male rats increase triglcerides similar to that observed after estradiol treatment.

Renal Damage; Soy diet exacerbated renal damage significantly exacerbates the clinical course of this autoimmune disease.

BPA and Soy Combination = Toxic Cocktail:

2011, Bisphenol A (BPA) and Genistein, the predominant component of soy products are both known environmental estrogens. We investigated the developmental toxicity of BPA and Genistein and their combined effects. Genistein as a teratogen was solid… The combined effect of BPA and Genistein was generally additive action…

1997, In addition to exposure to man-made chemicals (pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls, phenolic compounds, phthalate esters, and organochlorine), the consumption of plant-derived estrogens in foodstuffs poses a potential risk to human health as phytoestrogens are more potent estrogens and their intake by some infants is likely to be considerable.

Soy worsens existing asthma

“The pros and cons of phytoestrogens” NIH, NIEHS Report:

Studies stating soy benefits are inconsistent and inadequate

FDA protects soy industry profits: FDA Revolving Door with Monsanto, (profiteer of soybeans)

More USA Government Connections Protecting Monsanto:

Law Suit: Prison Inmates vs. Soy Food Adverse Effects: Irony; the first to be protected from soy adverse effects, will be prison inmates:

Email or call HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius (Kathleen.Sebelius, FDA Commissioner Hamburg (, and U.S. Surgeon General Benjamin ( and demand Soy Warning Labels.

It is outrageously unfair that our trusted USA health officials continue to withhold their acknowledgment of several hundred published studies all proving severe and irreversible adverse brain and body effects are in fact caused by human exposure to soy phyto-toxins.

***STAY HEALTHY: Protect your health, your children’s health, and the health of others. Please care to pass this urgently important soy phyto-toxic information on to everyone you know. For well over a decade the FDA continues to refuse to disclose hundreds upon hundreds of published studies proving the soy phyto-toxic cause of massive health destruction.

Protect children's health:

Very Sincerely,

Gail Elbek
